Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Summer

Okay, my summer this year, wasn't the best.  First, me, my mom and sister (no dad), went to Hilton Head, South Carolina with my grandpa, two aunts, uncle, and two cousins, all on my moms side.  We were so close to Georgia, we got TV signals from there.  And we had a HUGE beach house!  The ocean was really warm, but, there were a whole bunch of  sand-dollars, large snails, and a couple of stingray.  I stepped  on a fish.  But, it was kinda nice.

Then, one week later, we went to Connecticut for a family reunion with my dads side of the family (with dad).  I liked it because I met someone with my name!  We had fun together, even though she wasn't really part of the family.  The water was colder, but I'm used to that.  We even built a beautiful sand kingdom.  Sandcastles are for ammeters!  But over all, I enjoyed myself there.

Two weeks later, we set off for Maine (with dad)!  Maine is up near Canada, but not in Canada, so it was cold!  First, we drove up to Massachusetts to visit my mom's aunt, uncle, and cousins.  It was fun because my 2nd cousin, once removed, or something like that, is so cute!  We played with blocks and jewelry, and other stuff.  After dinner, we went to Kittery, Maine, to see my moms best friend.  She has 3 boys, one Mackenzie's (my sister) age, (8-9), and the rest were younger.  We spent two days with them, then we finally went to York!  We stayed above a store in an old condo place.  It was cool, except for the smell of dog pee.  They allow pets, and the whole place, except for the bathroom, was carpeted.  So we went to Wal-Mart to buy some candles and something to clear the smell away for a little bit.  But, we did the regular stuff, go to the beach, shop, eat at cool places.  My favorite restaurant was Panda & Sakura.  It's a Chinese and Japanese restaurant.  One of the drinks is Ramune'.  Its really tasty!  And comes in different flavors, original, melon, and orange.  They were soooooooo good!!!  We always have a good time there, and it was fun!  Oh, and I got a little lobster for souvenir!

Now here I am, done with everything.  But on August 27, I have to get my shots for middle school, and I'm terribly afraid of pain.  So wish me luck!  But, yeah, I had a pretty good summer!  


KamBurr said...

hey! That's pretty cool but you copied me with the my summer thing! LOL jk jk do what you want. Did you buy your school supplies yet? Nice colors for the text btw.

KamBurr said...

sorry, me kimber again. posting another comment! I read the whole thing and your getting your shots on August 27? I already got mine but on August 27, that is the potomac middle open house.

Allison said...

Your summer was "not the best??" You went on 3 vacations to the beach!! What, you didn't get to go on a guided tour through Rainbow Happy Land? *sigh*